The True Diary of Baby’s First Year

In Charlie’s Diary she recounts those magical first days when she finally gains access to the best club in the world ‘Parenthood’...

Her diary is a humorous and honest account of her attempts to be that ever elusive ‘Yummy Mummy’ she keeps reading about. But with boobs that are so sore getting fully dressed isn’t really an option and no free time to visit a hairdressers she finds that ‘Scummy Mummy’ may be a more accurate description of herself!...

Join Charlie in her adventures in ‘Babyland’ as she learns that with
perseverance, love and support from her husband and those around her that she has got what it takes to be the scrumiest yummiest mummy in town!

The True Diary of Baby’s First Year includes:
Tips for regaining your figure, taking care of yourself and your baby.
A weekly guide to your baby’s development.
Fun things to do with your baby to help with the bonding process including baby massage, singing and reading to your baby.
Recommended products you will utilise again and again.
Ideas for keeping your own baby journal, photobook and time tin.